As you have probably noticed (or not yet) every time you visit our website there is a different header. This one rotates together with 5 others. Because we are happy with you as a visitor and would like it if we give the opportunity to share something of yours with others on our website.
Are you a Stephen King fan?
- Yes I am, what do you think > Continue to the next question
- No, no time/interest for it > Just stop here. It’s a missed opportunity. Come back when you are a fan of Stephen King.
Are you creative?
- Yes, of course what do you think
- Yes, but currently have a weekend/holiday or am sick, so actually No. > Get over this first and then answer the question again.
- No, can you teach me > No.. unfortunately, try again next year
When you answered YES to everything > That’s great.. we offer the possibility to express your creativity in a header at the top of te page. Our website is visited daily by many Stephen King fans all over the world. They will then be able to admire everything about your creativity.
Are there any conditions attached? Yes there are.
- The most important. It must be Stephen King related. We leave the rest to you.
- Another important point. It must be at least **** px (maximum ****) wide and *** px (maximum ****) high. (I’ll have to look this up, will be added soon)
- We may publish this on our website for a minimum of 6 months.
Important to know.
- You retain all rights, we are just happy to use it on our website.
- In the header, your name and/or website may be verwelt vertical on the left and/or right side.
- When clicking on the header, it will refer to the home page of this website. Not to your website when you have one.
Where can I send it to?
- That is a good question. You can fill in the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Note: The headers that are currently rotating were already in our possession or found somewhere on the internet.