The Library Policeman (Dave Brock)

Title: The Library Policeman (2006) (USA)
Runtime: unknown (Cancelled)
Based on the story: The Library Policeman
Director(s): Dave Brock
(Script-)writer(s): Dave Brock & Rebecca Brock
Producer(s): Dave Brock
Cast: unknown
Additional Crew: unknown

To do research for his speech, Sam goes to the local library to rent books. When there, he realizes that he has not been to a library in many years. He meets the librarian Ardelia Lortz, who warns him to return his books on time or face the wrath of the Library Policeman.

“The Library Policeman” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved

It has been the source of some frustration for me, mainly because I’ve been
having a hard time cracking the visual story. Some unique challenges in that
regard, mainly because the main character’s journey is rooted in a childhood
trauma that is challenging in terms of how to appropriately visualize it. But
figuring out how to lay the narrative groundwork for all of that has been problematic.
May 29, 2017

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