Category: Articles


Helplessly In the Deathroom by Thiago Ramos

Helplessly In the Deathroom  The Director’s Vision Statement of “Na Câmara da Morte” (In The Deathroom) Thiago Ramos During the making of Na Câmara da Morte, one thought was always in mind: “This movie...


“Blurred Vision” by Anna Shapiro

Anna Shapiro, Derailed. A Visionary Statement Choice of Story. I was always passionate about images and stories that lie between reality and unreality. What if what we are looking at is not what it seems...


I’m no Stephen King, but…

“I’m no Stephen King, but…” by Mathew Bonta A big take away from adapting a Stephen King work is that I’ve come to realize that my own writing style matches Stephen King’s very closely....


Director’s Statement – Jonathan Rodrigues

Note: first this essay will first appear in English. After the end it will be in Portuguese. Observação: O texto primeiro aparecerá em inglês, depois do término aparecerá em português Stephen King’s The Milkman...


Director’s Statement – Damien Maric

In the genesis of “The Woman in the Room”, a bright light emerged. This light took the benevolent form of Frank Darabont and his dedicated assistant, Denise Huth. Their confidence in me and my...