Category: Articles


Director’s Statement – Jonathan Rodrigues

Note: first this essay will first appear in English. After the end it will be in Portuguese. Observação: O texto primeiro aparecerá em inglês, depois do término aparecerá em português Stephen King’s The Milkman...


Director’s Statement – Damien Maric

In the genesis of “The Woman in the Room”, a bright light emerged. This light took the benevolent form of Frank Darabont and his dedicated assistant, Denise Huth. Their confidence in me and my...


Director’s Statement – Brandon Lazenko

With ‘October Roses,’ I aimed to create a film that embodies the essence of dark and gritty storytelling. My vision was to craft a cinematic experience that not only entertains but also pushes the...


I’m Not a VFX Artist by Paul Inman

Technology is wonderful, right? Right? Yes, I think so. Without the advances in tech – seemingly jumping leaps and bounds almost daily – we indie filmmakers might not be able to fully realize our...