Category: Interviews


Cacia Rose

She played in Steven Alexander Burt‘s Mute Dollar Baby film as Mute Character. SKSM: Tell us about yourself, who is Cacia Rose and what do you do or have you done? Cacia Rose: People...


Tery Steelman

She was one of the moderators of Stephen King Message Board and director of My Pretty Pony. SKSM: Tell us about yourself, who is Tery Steelman and what do you do or have you...


Erynn Mitchell

She played in Robert Bowen‘s E is for Expiation Dollar Baby film as Darlene. SKSM: Tell us about yourself, who is Erynn Mitchell  and what do you do or have you done? Erynn Mitchell:...


Andre Brassil

He is the director and producer of Eve Was Star Dollar Baby film. SKSM: Tell us about yourself, who is Andre Brassil and what do you do or have you done? Andre Brassil: I’m a...


Adri Mehra

He played in Bryan Steenerson‘s Stationary Bike Dollar Baby film as Sifkitz. SKSM: Could you start with telling me a little bit about yourself? Who are you and what do you do? Adri Mera:...


Bryan Steenerson

He is the filmmaker of Stationary Bike Dollar Baby film. SKSM: Could you start by telling me a little about yourself? Who is Bryan Steenerson and what do you do? Bryan Steenerson: I am...


Ariana Russell

She played in Greg Gentry‘s Night Surf short film as Joan. SKSM: Tell us about yourself, who is Ariana Russell and what do you do or have you done? Ariana Russell: I am an Iron Range native,...


Josh Hughes

He is the filmmaker of Strawberry Spring Dollar Baby film. SKSM: Could you start by telling me a little about yourself? Who is Josh Hughes  and what do you do? Josh Hughes: My name...


Megan MacGrath

She is the Producer and Assitant Director of Robert Bowen‘s E is for Expitation Dollar Baby film. SKSM: Can you introduce yourself to our readers? Who are you and what do you do? Megan...


Heather Jordan

She played in Greg Gentry‘s Night Surf short film as Susie. SKSM: Tell us about yourself, who is Heather Jordan and what do you do or have you done? Heather Jordan: I am a...