All That You Love Will Be Carried Away (Grace Pritchard)

Title: All That You Love Will Be Carried Away (2023) (USA)
Runtime: 13′
Director(s): Grace Pritchard
(Script-)writer(s): Grace Pritchard
Producer(s): Jessica Malinowski, Zoey Martin, Grace Pritchard, Fernando Tipacti, Jr.
Cast: Ryan McIntyre, Brenden Davis, Aaron Donahue, Laura Mason, Grace Pritchard, McKenzie Martin
Additional Crew: Mayank Bandhari, Harrison Schroeder, Siwei Steven Zhou, Nadia Mair, Lily Yang

A traveling frozen-food salesman checks into a motel to kill himself. Only his notebook, his traveling companion over the years, can save his life. (no official dollar baby)

“All That You Love Will Be Carried Away” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved

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