Carried Away (James Malekzadeh)

Title: Carried Away (2013) (USA)
Runtime: 5′
Based on the story: All That You Love Will Be Carried Away
Director(s): James Malekzadeh
(Script-)writer(s): Frida Jenkins-Roe
Producer(s): Saishi Xu
Cast: Joseph Malekzadeh

A morose traveling salesman finds solace by “collecting” odd phrases he finds on motel walls. He believes they may make an interesting study, even a book, but thoughts of suicide prove equally as distracting.

It was a student project that I (Saishi Xu) edited as a part of a group in 3rd year of film school, it was shot on 16mm black and white film on a bell and howell camera.October 26, 2023

(Note: we do not host the movie or trailer)
Let the director know what you’re thoughts are and leave them in the comments. See bottom of page.

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