Disciples of the Crow (John Woodward)

Title: Disciples of the Crow (1983) (USA)
Runtime: 30′
Based on the story: Children of the Corn
Director(s): John Woodward
(Script-)writer(s): John Woodward
Producer(s): Johnny Stevens, John Woodward
Cast: Eleese Lester, Gabriel Folse, Steven Young, Martin Boozer, Kathleen Alsobrook, Loren Bivens, John Woodward, Harry miller, Shannon Morris, George Mack, Karry Hundley, Kirsten Hammond, Greg Hicks.
Additional Crew: Bill Averbach, Johnny Stevens, Kyle Sullivan

A couple passing through a small Oklahoma town discover that it has been taken over by a homicidal cult that worships a crow god–and that all the cult members are children.

“Disciples of the Crow” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved

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