Fair Extension (Mahmoud Nofal)

Title: Fair Extension (2013) (USA)
Runtime: 35′
Based on the story: Fair Extension
Director(s): Mahmoud Nofal
(Script-)writer(s): Nels Lindquist & Mahmoud Nofal
Producer(s): Mahmoud Nofal
Cast: David Bashaw, Ethan Bott, Taylor Rovin, Patrick Bulinski, Hannah Crampton, Nicholas Lacelle, Marin Olson, Connor Laitenen, Jon Dean, Hamoody Nofal, Randy Plourde
Additional Crew: Jack Bowers, Jaren Rudden, Willie Morrison
Elvid offers Streeter, who suffers from terminal lung cancer, a chance to live for approximately fifteen years if he pays fifteen percent of his income for every one of those years and transfers the “weight” of his misfortune onto someone he knows. Elvid emphasizes that it has to be someone that Streeter truly hates.
Note: This is not an official Dollar Baby until proven otherwise.