Morning Deliveries (Will Patrick Roberts)

Title: Morning Deliveries (2019) (ENG)
Runtime: 14′
Based on the story: Morning Deliveries (Milkman#1)
Director(s): Will Patrick Roberts (Will Roberts)
(Script-)writer(s): Will Patrick Roberts
Producer(s): Mike Easterwood, Tricia Myrtice, Ray O’Connell
Cast: Landon Sweeney, Lara Crawford, Lorna Hughes, Simon Rowlands, Thomas Dempsey, Geoff Edkins, Buddy Roberts.
Additional Crew: Paul Duffy
On his morning route, a milkman named Spike Milligan leaves various “surprises” in the milk bottles for his customers to find, including poisonous liquids, deadly gas, and venomous spiders.
“Morning Deliveries (Milkman#1)” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved