Mute (Michael Carvaines)

Title: Mute (2017) (USA)
Runtime: 10′
Based on the story: Mute
Director(s): Michael Carvaines
(Script-)writer(s): Michael Carvaines
Producer(s): Jude Kawwa, Xixi Zhu
Cast: Gregory J. Daniels, Edward Kercado, Angie Slaughter, Patrick H. Moore, Drew Gripe
Additional Crew: Kenny Frey, Conrad Laga, Camille van Zadelhoff, Sarah Kay Swain, Reuben LaMons
Adapted from the Stephen King short psychological thriller, ‘Mute’ is a story within a story about a man who picks up a hitchhiker and unwittingly enters into a murderous contract.
“Mute” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved