Mute (Patrick Sutherland)
Title: Mute (2015) (USA)
Runtime: unknown (Cancelled)
Director(s): Patrick Sutherland, Gerry Sutherland
(Script-)writer(s): Andrew Riley
Producer(s): Sean Carvell, Sarah Emery, Gerry Sutherland, Victor Carvell
Cast: Robert David Duncan, Geoffrey Thew, Nigel Robinson
A traveling salesman confesses to a priest that he may have committed a sin, and recounts the night he picked up a mysterious hitchhiker.
Update | Date |
The “Mute” trailer was in fact a Dollar Babies project. The producer I worked with, Sean Carvell, was planning on using the trailer as a fundraising tool in the hopes of making a feature length version of “Mute”. We shot it near Maple Ridge outside of Vancouver, BC. I am unsure of how things went down, but his fundraising plans didn’t fully come to fruition, and the project just kind of died. The story always interested me, so it would have been nice to get that full length version developed some day. | June 24; 2024 |
(note: we do not host the movie or trailer)
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