Nona (Georges Terryn)
Title: Nona (2014) (BEL)
Runtime: 25′
Based on the story: Nona
Director(s): Georges Terryn
(Script-)writer(s): Georges Terryn
Producer(s): Lucy Carlyle, Stratsimir Dimitrov, Stoyan Ganev, Stefan Janssens, Lucy Middleton
Cast: Lotte Vannieuwenborg, Leonard Sillevis, Mathias Vergels, Constantine Gregory, Gabriel Constantine, Kaat Leysen, Matthijs de Haeck, John Flanders, Robert De La Haye, Pascal Maetens, Garvan McGrath, Krisja Mertens, Lucas Tavernier, Griet van Damme, Wouter Vermeiren.
Additional Crew: Stoyan Ganev, Edwin Vander Meersch
Nona asks “do you love?” and the boy repeats his answer: True love will never die. As a Warden leads “The Boy” to the doctor’s office, he explains what has happened on the road during Valentines night.
“Nona” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved