One for the Road (David Jester)

Title: One for the Road (2023) (USA)
Runtime: 23′
Director(s): David Jester
(Script-)writer(s): David Jester
Producer(s): Noah Barnes, Blair Boone-Migura
Cast: Cody Curtis, Claire Statczar, Ethan Rodgers, Jamie DiCicco, Blake Wright, Tana Sherman, Julian Findlay
Additional Crew: Sam Krueger (Cinematographer), Roger Cropley II (Editor), Leigh Doran (Exe Producer)

Dreaming Big, While Filming Within Your Means by David Jester.

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One for the Road was published in Night Shift, a collection of short stories by Stephen King. The film is set in 1981 in a small town outside of Bangor, Maine.

“One for the Road” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved

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