One For The Road (Sean Patrick Bridges)

Title: One For The Road (2020) (USA)
Runtime: 42′ (Audio Thriller)
Based on the story: One For The Road
Director(s): Sean Patrick Bridges
(Script-)writer(s): Sean Patrick Bridges
Producer(s): Alice Farren
Cast: Kenneth Wayne Bradley, Ken Webster, Heath Allyn, Laura Galt, Aaron Hale, Angela Bartys-Peters, Emilia Monze Dehoyos, Beth Puorro, Greg Littlefield, Tony Bartys, Emily Korman, Patricia Zamora, John Hall, Ryan Lawrence, Connor Eyzaguirre, Myles Leon, Jerry Bridges.
As a fierce Maine blizzard moves in, two old friends at the bar are ready to call it a night. When a frozen tourist bursts in, desperate for help. His car is stuck in a snow drift a few miles back. With his wife and young daughter trapped inside.
The two Mainers agree to assist. But they’re scared of what they might find out there in the dark. And the long drive to the stranded car. Abandoned in ‘Salem’s Lot.
Audible Parade presents. A Dollar Baby production. Based upon the short story by Stephen King. A movie for your mind.
“One For The Road” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved