Popsy (Jon Mann)

Title: Popsy (2019) (CAN)
Runtime: 11′
Based on the story: Popsy
Director(s): Jon Mann
(Script-)writer(s): Jon Mann
Producer(s): Rob Ramsay, Jon Mann
Cast: Gary Belding, Kirk Belding, Charley Moore, Rob Ramsay, Avery Winters-Anthony, Amy Jagoe, Killie Jagoe, Lorraine Peters, Ellen Snider, Sheena Butler, Will Mazzerole, Kayla Boyle, Anderson Boyle, Sophie Kotsabasakis, Laura-Beth Bird, Taryn Harris, Lindsay Harris, Chayce Weston, Jack Morris, Rio Morris, Annabelle Allison-Lance, Selah Woodworth, Payton Carr, Billy Watson, Vanessa Morier, Xavier Watson, Skylar Watson
Additional Crew: Jack Leahy
A young boy is abducted outside of a shopping mall to surprising consequences
“Popsy” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved