Popsy (Julien Homsy)

Title: Popsy (2016) (FRA)
Runtime: 18′
Based on the story: Popsy
Director(s): Julien Homsy
(Script-)writer(s): Julien Homsy, Aude Ramonet
Producer(s): Flora Cosseron
Cast: Patrick Haudecoeur, Kate Homsy, Vincent Grass, Jane Landrey, Gilles Détroit.
Additional Crew: Fabien Cahen, Anaïs Ruales, Jonathan Pineau Bonetti
In this adaptation of a Stephen King short story, Weber’s addiction to poker leads him into deep trouble. Forced to cover his debt to Mr Rudy, he reaches a point of no return.
“Popsy” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved
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