Sneakers (Gino Alfonso)

Title: Sneakers (2014) (USA)
Runtime: 17′
Based on the story: Sneakers
Director(s): Gino Alfonso
(Script-)writer(s): Gino Alfonso
Producer(s): Gino Alfonso
Cast: Aaron Michael Abeyta, Lyle DeRose, Christian Kumpost, Michael Gersten, R. Scott Crouser, Stuart Hayner, Stacy Firkus, Evil John Mays, Janell Garcia
Additional Crew: unknown
Recording studio executive John Tell notices a pair of old dirty sneakers in an adjacent stall while using the restroom at work. He, at first, assumes that the shoes belong to a fellow employee or a delivery person. However, when he visits the bathroom again throughout the week, he notices that not only have the shoes not moved, they are now surrounded by the bodies of dead flies and other bugs.
“Sneakers” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved