Suffer the Little Children (Treven Cannon)

Title: Suffer the Little Children (2008) (USA)
Runtime: 13′ (Incomplete)
Director(s): Treven Cannon
(Script-)writer(s): Treven Cannon
Producer(s): John Sasser, Treven Cannon
Cast: Daeg Faerch, Mickey Faerch, Sarah Rochelle Gluzman (Rochelle Gluzman)
Additional Crew: Jessica Honeycutt, Charles Horgan, Kyle Weishaar, Daphne Boelsma

An elderly teacher at the Summer Street School, Miss Sidley is disturbed when one of her students tells her that, “Tomorrow a bad thing will happen.” When she probes further into the matter, she discovers that aliens are slowly taking over the bodies of her students.

“Suffer the Little Children” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved

John Sasser: I don’t think the director will ever put it out.
I think he’s shelved it permanently.
December 30, 2023
The is film is (almost) finished. The score is pretty well done,
but we still need to do a special (GGI) effects animation for one scene.
April 3, 2011

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