The Boogeyman (David Oakes)
Title: The Boogeyman (2005) (UK)
Runtime: 60′ (Stage adaptation)
Based on the story: The Boogeyman
Director(s): David Oakes
Writer(s): Graham Rees
Stage Manager(s): Karen Habens
Deputy Stage Manager(s): Geoff Sims
Assistant Stage Manager(s): Benni Lefald
Producer(s): Very Important Theatre Company
Cast: Lewis Milsted(Lester Billings), Emilia Williams(Rita Billings/Nurse Avery), David Oakes(Dr Healy), Graham Rees(Dr Harper), Luke Harding(Young Lester Billings)
A man named Lester Billings who is currently seeing a psychiatrist due to his belief that “The Boogeyman” is terrorizing him by killing all three of his children. Each of their deaths was surrounded by similarly mysterious factors.
“The Boogeyman” © 1973 Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved
Let the director know what you thought of it in the comments. See bottom of page.

Back row: Geoff Sims; David Oakes; Graham Rees; Karen Habens. Front row: Luke Harding (Man carrying boogey-baby); Lewis Milsted; Emilia Williams; Benni Lerfald
Update | Date |
It wasn’t a film, it was a stage adaptation for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2005. There were no film recordings during the stage adaption. | September 18, 2023 |