The Jaunt (Tod Gorman)
Title: The Jaunt (2008) (USA)
Runtime: 16′
Based on the story: The Jaunt
Director(s): Tod Gorman
(Script-)writer(s): Nick Smith
Producer(s): Luke Bruehlman, Glenn Pack
Cast: Timothy Sherrill, Jared Knecht, Amory Casto, Lexi DiBenedetto, Tom Green, Devin McGee, John Krevens, Doug Shaw, Dan Donovan, Amir Berhannu, Dave Smith, Nick Smith, Danae West, Patricia Selznick
Additional Crew: Joe Mason, Blake McCray
In the distant future, humans have developed a form of instantaneous teleportation called “the Jaunt”, enabling colonization of the Solar System. Mark Oates and his family are preparing to travel to Mars for a two-year business trip
“The Jaunt” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved