The Last Rung on the Ladder (Sadie MacNutt)

Title: The Last Rung on the Ladder (2012) (CAN)
Runtime: 8′
Based on the story: The Last Rung on the Ladder
Director(s): Sadie MacNutt
(Script-)writer(s): Katelyn McAllister
Producer(s): Sussex Regional High School (SRHS)
Cast: Susan Buck, Breanne Doyle
Additional Crew: unknown
A man, upon learning of the suicide of his sister, flashes back to a summer when they were kids and he saved her from falling from a dilapitated ladder. A man, upon learning of the suicide of his sister, flashes back to a summer when they were kids and he saved her from falling from a dilapitated ladder.
Note: This is not an official Dollar Baby until proven otherwise.
Update | Date |
This is a short film created for an English/Language Arts class. (SRHSshortfilm) | April 22, 2012 |