The Little Sisters of Eluria (Diego Gogni)

Title: The Little Sisters of Eluria (2008) (ARG)
Runtime: unknown (Cancelled)
Director(s): Diego Gogni
(Script-)writer(s): Diego Gogni
Producer(s): Diego Gogni
Cast: unknown
Additional Crew: unknown
Near death from an attack by Slow Mutants, Roland Deschain is taken in by a group of Sisters who specialize in anything but the healing arts. These hideous, corpse-like creatures known as the Little Sisters of Eluria have murder on their twisted minds.
“Little sisters of Eluria” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved
Update | Date |
Unfortunatley the film is on hold cause budget problems(it’s huuughe). But is still there. | February 15, 2010 |
Diego Gogni has received the rights to film the story ‘the little sisters of Eluria’ as a dollar baby! Why is this special? As you may know, King does not give permission for Dark Tower stories to be adapted into films; yet he granted the rights for this story. | April 24, 2006 |