The Man Who Loved Flowers (Tim Azarian)

Title: The Man Who Loved Flowers (1995) (USA)
Runtime: 14′
Based on the story: The Man Who Loved Flowers
Director(s): Tim Azarian (Timothy Azarian)
(Script-)writer(s): Lyndsay Allspah
Producer(s): Gabriela Martinez Escobar
Cast: Bhakta Moss, Jimmy Guy, Theresa Bender-Costa
Additional Crew: Tony Bennett, Marcus Roberts, Fred Hersch

A young man who buys flowers for his love interest, but he is eventually revealed to be a serial killer who went insane after his lover’s supposed death. (a distinctly New York black-and-white film, with a narrative voice commenting on the images. Nice niche product, for retro enthusiasts)

“The Man Who Loved Flowers” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved

Note: The image quality is currently poor. There is little we can do to change this at the moment.

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