Willa (Andrew Martin-Smith)

Title: Willa (2010) (USA)
Runtime: 22′ (Cancelled)
Director(s): Andrew Martin-Smith
(Script-)writer(s): Andrew Martin-Smith
Producer(s): Andrew Martin-Smith
Cast: unknown
Additional Crew: unknown
Willa and David are engaged to be married, but their train was derailled just outside Crowheart Springs. Willa decides to walk into town, and is soon followed by David.
There they meet at a bar on Route 26 aptly named “26”. It is here that David comes to the realisation that their train derailment is the least of their worries – they are really dead.
Returning to the train station they try to tell the others, but they want no part of it, so Willa and David return to “26” and dance in the empty, closed bar.
“Willa” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved