Willa (J.P. Doná)

Title: Willa (2013) (BRA)
Runtime: 1h 06′
Based on the story: Willa
Director(s): J.P. Doná (Tiago Doná)
(Script-)writer(s): J.P. Doná
Producer(s): J.P. Doná
Cast: William Catelli, Priscilla Doná, Roberto Curio, Amanda Albuquerque, Junior Evaristo, Leticia Boucouvalas
Additional Crew: unknown
David goes to find his fiancée, Willa. She has left him at a train station with a group of stranded passengers. He ends up finding her at a local honky-tonk club. In his attempt to bring her back, he learns the horrifying truth about why they cannot stay at the station.
“Willa” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved