The Moving Finger (Kenny Myers)

Title: The Moving Finger (1991) (USA)
Runtime: 21′
Director(s): Kenny Myers (Ken Myers)
(Script-)writer(s): Haskell Barkin
Producer(s): Michael Gornick, Richard P. Rubinstein, Jan Saunders, Diane Vilagi
Cast: Tom Noonan, Alice Playten, Sharon Cornell, Richard B. Shull, Anne Byrne, Robert Weil
Additional Crew: Irek Hartowicz (Ireneusz Hartowicz), Paul Srp, Leonard Finger


When a mysterious, impossibly long finger inexplicably and creepily pokes up out of the drain of his bathroom sink, a family man is pushed to the brink of sanity in his attempts to get rid of it. Episode aired Apr 26, 1991

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