Ahmet Akinci
He is the Producer of Walter Perez‘s Into The Night Dollar Baby Film.
SKSM: May you introduce yourself to our readers?
Ahmet Akinci: My name is Ahmet Akinci. I am one of the Producers of “Into the Night” film.I am an Interior Architect but I work in a Company as a General Manager.
SKSM: When did you know you wanted to become a producer?
Ahmet Akinci: Films have always impressed me since my childhood. Always wanted to be a Movie Director. Watched lots of Movies from all periods of Movie Making. I thought being a producer would be a good step for involving Films.
SKSM: How did you become involved in ‘Into the Night‘ Dollar Baby film?
Ahmet Akinci: I was introduced to Walter Perez through a friend and offered to be one of the producers. After learned that it was Stephen King’s Project, jumped in the project, immediately.
SKSM: Can you tell us about your work in the film?
Ahmet Akinci: I was in almost all phases of the production to make sure that the film making process has not been slowed down or interrupted by any means. From Planning to Financing I was always there to bring the great result.
SKSM: What was it like to work with Walter Perez on this film?
Ahmet Akinci: Walter Perez is a very talented Director. He knows what he wants, he is a perfectionist man. So, it makes fun to work with him.
SKSM: Was there any funny things that happened while filming (Bloopers, etc)?
Ahmet Akinci: We were shooting some scenes of the Film on Big Bear Mountains and I have a fear of heights, it was very difficult for me to drive up there and my hands sticked to the steering wheel due to the stress. Our Film Crew is fun, I really enjoyed working with them.
SKSM: Are you a fan of Stephen King’s work?
Ahmet Akinci: Yes I am, I like Pet Sematary, Rose Red, The Shawshank Redemption, Misery and Storm of the Century. I hope to work more on Stephen King’s Projects.
SKSM: What are you working nowadays?
Ahmet Akinci: I have a couple of projects, they are almost completed. One of them is “Norjack” by Walter Perez. Short action and thriller. It’s based on true events and you guys are going to like it.
SKSM: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Ahmet Akinci: I am an Interior Architect. I don’t have Film School background. I speak 4 languages. Former Bodybuilding Champion and Fitness Trainer.
SKSM: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Something you’d like to tell our readers?
Ahmet Akinci: Travel and Read! Try to enlarge your view and perspective about the life. I always encourage my friends to tell them travel all around the world. Once you travel other parts of the world, you will enrich your culture and self-education.