Caroline Goldenberg

She played in Julia Marchese‘s I Know What You Need Dollar Baby film as Elizabeth Rogan.
SKSM: Could you start with telling me a little bit about yourself? Who are you and what do you do?
Caroline Goldenberg: For sure, I’m Caroline Goldenberg, but I actually go by Caroline Renee (my middle name) more now because it’s shorter! I grew up in New Jersey, where I started becoming involved in the acting and theatre scene. Then, I moved out to LA to study at the University of Southern California. I’m a rising senior and will be graduating next year!
SKSM: When did you know you wanted to become an actress?
Caroline Goldenberg: That’s a great question, haha. I did lots of theatre growing up and loved it, but I assumed that I wouldn’t be able to act as a career. But, I just felt so inspired by everything that I watched, both onscreen and onstage. In high school, I did a really special theatre production of The Bridges of Madison County, and that’s when I realized that maybe I did want to keep acting. From there, I dove into acting as much as I could.
SKSM: How did you become involved in I know what you need Dollar Baby film?
Caroline Goldenberg: I became involved with I Know What You Need when I first auditioned for the film in spring of 2021! I submitted for a casting call on Actors Access and ended up self-taping for both Elizabeth and Alice. I went through callbacks and then was cast as Elizabeth.
SKSM: What do you think it is about the story that attracts people so much?
Caroline Goldenberg: I think this story is so interesting to people because it really takes the audience for a ride. I think audiences are drawn to a little danger and mystery, so there’s something about the ‘too good to be true’ nature of Elizabeth and Edward’s relationship that makes it interesting and enticing for audiences. I think audiences also find that ‘cautionary tale’ idea interesting, as a lot of people can recall a time when they should have trusted their gut or when their friend was dating someone they thought was a little creepy. This film allows us to explore relationships in a way that also brings the thrill of a horror-like tale.
SKSM: Did you have to audition for the part or was it written directly for you?
Caroline Goldenberg: I did audition for the role, yes! I first auditioned for both Elizabeth and Alice and then was called back for Elizabeth.
SKSM: You worked with Julia Marchese on this film, how was that?
Caroline Goldenberg: I loved working with Julia as a director. She’s an incredible director – knows what her vision is, but also lets the actors have creative freedom and express their thoughts and feelings. She was super patient and guiding on set, and she always was willing to talk about the characters, circumstances, stakes of each scene.
SKSM: Was there any funny or special moment when they made the movie that you would like to tell me about?
Caroline Goldenberg: Yes, so many! One of my favorites was when we were filming the opening scene with the ice cream. It was sort of dripping all over my hands. There was one take where the whole scoop just fell off the cone into my hand, and I was sorta just holding it over the notebook paper. I remember just thinking, “I didn’t learn how to handle this in acting class, haha!” There were also some crazy moments with the blood – it was intense! But there were so many special moments between takes and scenes with the cast and crew, where we were joking and telling stories.
SKSM: Do you still have any contact with the crew/cast from that time? If so with who?
Caroline Goldenberg: Absolutely! I still talk to most of the cast (Colin and Julia and I caught up in LA just recently)! We definitely keep in touch and text from time to time, sometimes meeting up in person, too. We all got very close during filming.
SKSM: What are you working on nowadays?
Caroline Goldenberg: Since filming, I appeared on HBO Max’s Head of the Class, BratTV’s Chicken Girls: The College Years, and appeared in some independent shorts. I was a part of the cast of The Winter’s Tale directed by Kate Burton this past year at USC. Currently, I’m training and auditioning, and we’ll see what comes next!
SKSM: Are you a fan of Stephen King’s work?
Caroline Goldenberg: I wasn’t super familiar with King’s work before working on I Know What You Need, actually. I was a fan of Carrie and It, but I hadn’t read much of his books or stories. I had the chance to read Night Shift for the first time when I found out I was cast as Elizabeth. Since being in the film, I’ve become a lot more captivated by his works; he really is an impeccable storyteller and appeals to audiences that love a thrill and some mystery.
SKSM: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Caroline Goldenberg: One thing people might be surprised to know about me is that I used to be a very competitive athlete! I competed nationally for squash and volleyball!
SKSM: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Is there anything you want to say to the fans that read this interview?
Caroline Goldenberg: Thank you for watching the film and supporting us! It truly means the world that people out there enjoy this film and have found it exciting. This film means so much to me and will always, always hold a very special place in my heart.
SKSM: Do you like to add anything else?
Caroline Goldenberg: Not that I can think of right now! Thank you!