Emília Marques

She played in Marcello Trigo’s Dollar Baby Zornit as Android Jehovah’s Witness.
SKSM: Could you start by telling me a little about yourself? Who are you and what do you do?
Emília Marques: My name is Emília Marques, I’m an actress! I started my career in theater and recently I have been venturing into the world of cinema, making short films. I am a native of Recife, but currently I am living in São Paulo to improve myself in this area.
SKSM: How did you get involved in the movie Zornit?
Emília Marques: Well, I was invited by director Marcello Trigo to join the cast of the film. We met a few years ago when we had the opportunity to take a theater course together. And recently he had directed me on a cast of a movie for the cinema university. It was the test I had most liked to do so far. Well, he made me very comfortable and I show some of my work. But unfortunately I did not pass this test. At the end of that year I received Marcello Trigo’s invitation to make a very challenging character in his new movie, I was quite happy with the invitation.
SKSM: What do you think you have in history that draws so much people?
Emília Marques: I believe the interaction with unknown creatures and the mood of suspense. Everything that touches the imaginary can binds the viewer.
SKSM: Did you have to take a test or was it written directly to you?
Emília Marques: I did no test, nor do I believe it was written directly to me. But I believe Marcello Trigo visualized me doing well this character taking as reference other work I did.
SKSM: You worked with Marcello Trigo on this movie, how was that?
Emília Marques: It was very good, because Trigo had the picture of the scene very clear in his mind and he gave me a lot of confidence in leading me to get the result he hoped for. In addition to being open and listen to my contributions as an actress to his work, and ponder what was or was not possible, in a very respectful way.
SKSM: Was there any funny or special moment when they made the movie that you would like to talk about?
Emília Marques: Well, my participation in the film is short and I have not spent so much time with the team. So for me the most special moment was to see Trigo’s satisfaction with my work. After the production he said now he “understand why there is an award for best supporting actress”. He was very impressed with my dedication and readiness to perform such a small role in the film. I did nothing more than my duty as an actress. But I will never forget those words that always serve as an incentive when I am going through difficult moments inherent in the profession.
SKSM: Do you still have any contact with the team / cast from that moment? If yes with whom?
Emília Marques: Yes, I always keep it with Trigo that always keeps us informed of the news about the film and its distribution on Festivals around the world. With the rest of the cast, we were friends before the movie was shot. And sporadically with others beloved ones of the technical team through social networks, like Jhonhson Willame (photographer assistant) , Felipe Mago (sound designer), and Rosario Gonçalves (art director).
SKSM: What are you working as an actress these days?
Emília Marques: I focused on the year 2017 in dedicating myself to studies. I have just finished the film acting and directing course at the Latin American Film Institute – Stanislavsky Institute. Where I learned techniques of acting and direction not even widespread in Brazil like Stanislavsky, Meisner, Adler and Chekhov techniques.
SKSM: Are you a fan of Stephen King’s work?
Emília Marques: I’ve always enjoyed suspense stories and get that cold on the spine and Stephen King is a genius at creating these stories.
SKSM: What is one thing people would be surprised to hear about you?
Emília Marques: Ahh, I do not know, this is a difficult question. Depending on how close they are to me they will be surprised by different things. I think what maybe people do not know is that I suffer from the pain of others and I wanted to have superpowers to turn the world into a fair place where everyone could live with dignity.
SKSM: Is there anything else you would like to tell the fans reading this interview?
Emília Marques: There are people in the world who will try to destroy your dreams and will make you believe that you are not capable. Invest time in self-knowledge, discover everything that makes you happy and always try to do it. There will be days when you need to do all of this at the same time to keep yourself up, so it’s good to know which things will work.
SKSM: Would you like to add something else?
Emília Marques: Stay with God.