Heather Jordan

She played in Greg Gentry‘s Night Surf short film as Susie.
SKSM: Tell us about yourself, who is Heather Jordan and what do you do or have you done?
Heather Jordan: I am a “cat mom” of 4, a plant lover, a nurse, and a new homeowner. I grew up in Brainerd and went to school in Crosby-Ironton. I went to college at Bemidji State University, which is where I met a majority of the people who are in the film.
SKSM: How did you become involved in Night Surf short film?
Heather Jordan: At that time, Greg, Abbie, Ariana, Ivy, Jordan and I were all in college together so we were living in the same house or town. Greg had told us about this movie that he wanted to film, and we had all agreed to be in it.
SKSM: Did you have to audition for the part or was it written directly for you?
Heather Jordan: No, I didn’t have to audition for the part, but it wasn’t written directly for me either. Greg had told us about the characters and kind of suggested who he thought would be a good fit for each role. I didn’t realize until I read Greg’s interview that he had pictured me as playing Susie. Shout out to Greg!
SKSM: You worked with Greg Gentry II on this film, how was that?
Heather Jordan: I have only been in one of Greg’s films but it is evident how passionate he is about making them. He has a vision for each scene but is still flexible enough to make changes as things come along and based on what feels right.
SKSM: What are you thinking of the end result of the film?
Heather Jordan: I rewatched Night Surf once Greg had told us about this interview. Since it has been a couple years, I feel like I was able to see it in a “different way.” There were a lot of scenes and details I forgot about, which made it feel like I got to watch it all over again for the first time and understand more about the film’s meaning and story. Each character had their own distinctive personality and I think everyone did a good job showcasing this, especially since it was our first time acting for a few of us. Since the premiere of the film, one of my favorite parts about the film has been the soundtracks that Greg chose. I think they are perfect choices, as they add a lot of emotion to each scene.
SKSM: Are you a fan of Stephen King’s work?
Heather Jordan: I haven’t seen too many of Stephen King’s films, but the ones that I have seen I really love: IT, Misery, and Stand by Me. One of his books that I have wanted to read, per Greg and Abbie’s recommendation, is Dolores Claiborne.
SKSM: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Is there anything you want to say to the fans that read this interview?
Heather Jordan: I want to say that if you enjoyed this film, I would recommend watching Greg’s other films. While I haven’t seen them all, I know the effort, time, and passion that goes into making them, and they deserve some attention!