Kali Morgia

She played in Michael Lamberti‘s All That You Love Will be Carried Away Dollar Baby film as Lauren Zimmer.
SKSM: Could you start with telling me a little bit about yourself? Who are you and what do you do?
Kali Morgia: My name is Kali Morgia. I’m a senior at Bloomsburg University majoring in theatre arts and Mass communications. I’m the PR and marketing chair for our BU players on campus and have been for two consecutive years. I nominated for an Irene Ryan acting award as well as being the very first person at Bloomsburg University to be nominated for the MTI Vocal Performance award through the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF).
SKSM: When did you know you wanted to become an actress?
Kali Morgia: I knew ever since elementary school I would be an actress. I was always a singer, but never dove into acting. Around 5th grade, a friend of mine had told me I should try musicals. The rest is history. I’ve been performing theatre for over a decade and haven’t looked back for a single second.
SKSM: How did you become involved in All that you love will be carried away Dollar Baby film?
Kali Morgia: Michael Lamberti, the director, and I have always been close friends. I did audition for the film, however. It was just Michael in a tiny room filled with computers on campus. I walked in and did a monologue and received the cast email within the next days! Michael has been truly resilient in this process, having dealt with problems with COVID pushing scheduling back, and to see this finally come to fruition makes me incredibly proud of him!
SKSM: What do you think it is about the story that attracts people so much?
Kali Morgia: Truthfully and initially, I think people are attracted to Stephen King’s name associated with the film. Thats most likely the initial inciting incident to get them interested. From there, once they actually watch the movie, I think they’ll fall in love with the story and the characters. They’ll see their evolution and learning lessons, going through hardships, and I think the relatability of these characters will latch onto our audience.
SKSM: Did you have to audition for the part or was it written directly for you?
Kali Morgia: I auditioned for the part.
SKSM: You worked with Michael Lamberti on this film, how was that?
Kali Morgia: I touched a bit on it earlier, but i’m immensely proud of Michael. He created this incredible movie with only $500 and a couple of friends just getting together to have fun, and that’s what I believe art really is. We have been pretty close for a majority of my college career, and working this closely with him in this production, he’s taught me so much more than i’d ever realize and i’m incredibly thankful for that.
SKSM: Was there any funny or special moment when they made the movie that you would like to tell me about?
Kali Morgia: I think the funniest moment filming was the scene where I had to kick out James as my husband. Michael gave me the direction to be upset at him, but to take it as extreme as I could. I took a few seconds, found some personal drama to draw inspiration from, and then I flew off the handle, shoving James into the door. After the first take, I had real tears. Michael and other Michael came up to me to check up on me and then immediately started freaking out about how incredible the take had been. To this day, It’s probably the most memorable moment in my entire theatre career.
SKSM: Do you still have any contact with the crew/cast from that time? If so with who?
Kali Morgia: Most of us communicate frequently! Most of us are in the same major, so we see each other at least everyday. Some of the crew i never got into contact with again, which was sad because we had bonded. But the actors, we have been in multiple productions together.
SKSM: What are you working on nowadays?
Kali Morgia: I’m currently assistant directing my first production, our mainstage show at Bloomsburg, which is “Much Ado about Murder” by Pat Cook. I also recently wrote my first play “Gummy Bear Shots” and it was produced by the university in our last semester mainstage titled “The Screen Plays” which focused on producing student written plays.
SKSM: Are you a fan of Stephen King’s work?
Kali Morgia: I’m a huge Stephen King fan! I think that might be part of the reason Mike picked me to be in this movie. I’m a huge fan of all things macabre. Tim burton, Stephen king, criminal minds, serial killer documentaries, you name it!
SKSM: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Kali Morgia: I was the first person from Bloomsburg University to be nominated for the vocal performance award. Not many people know that I can sing on first look!
SKSM: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Is there anything you want to say to the fans that read this interview?
Kali Morgia: I hope you enjoy the film! I hope you see how much fun we had on it!