Michael Jamak

He played in Pablo Knappe Rodriguez‘s Mute Dollar Baby film as Monette.
SKSM: Could you start with telling me a little bit about yourself? Who are you and what do you do?
Michael Jamak: I am an actor living in Munich, Germany, but I work internationally, primarily in Europe, though not exclusively, in theater, film, and television.
SKSM: How did your desire to act come about?
Michael Jamak: I started acting in elementary school, participating in school theater performances. My teachers often cast me in lead roles without really asking me; it just felt like a given. Even at home, I was always the one who had to perform something or imitate someone from the neighborhood or family. And then everyone laughed their heads off…
SKSM: How did you become involved in Mute Dollar Baby film?
Michael Jamak: I had met Pablo Knappe Rodriguez, the director of “Mute,” in connection with another role in one of his other films. Although we were in agreement and I was cast for the role, the collaboration could not take place at that time due to unexpected organizational circumstances, which I think was unfortunate for both of us. Later, during his preparations for “Mute,” we finally came together again.
SKSM: You did a fabulous performance. Are you happy with the result or is there anything you would have done differently now?
Michael Jamak: Thank you for the compliment. As an actor, you’re probably never 100% satisfied with yourself. At least I’m not. You always find something where you say: “you could perhaps have done that a little ‘better’ or ‘more’ or ‘less’ here and there”. But that’s probably an actor’s disease (?). In any case, I’m super satisfied: with the direction, the wonderful pictures by Yannick Mayer and so on. I find it inappropriate and stupid to praise myself and I certainly won’t do so. But only the viewer himself can give a concrete answer to this question.

SKSM: What do you think it is about the story that attracts people so much?
Michael Jamak: I mean, this is Stephen King stuff. What else is there to explain? He is unique. Stephen King is Stephen King. Fullstop.
SKSM: Did you have to audition for the part or was it written directly for you?
Michael Jamak: As I mentioned above: Pablo and I had already met in connection with another production, so there were probably no big question marks left. Nevertheless, we went through the text together and talked about it.
SKSM: You worked with Pablo Knappe Rodriguez on this film, how was that?
Michael Jamak: It gave me great pleasure. I trusted him and his direction. I think Pablo is a very talented director. He is able to find quick solutions in sometimes rather unfavorable situations. And: he is ambitious but not stubborn/doggedly.
SKSM: Was there any funny or special moment when they made the movie that you would like to tell me about?
Michael Jamak: There wasn’t that much “funny”… It was freezing cold!
SKSM: The cold was a challenge during filming. Were there any other challenges you had to face?
Michael Jamak: Indeed the cold!
SKSM: In your opinion, what are the basic things to do for a good performance?
Michael Jamak: As an actor, above all you have to be permeable, as we say in the jargon. To illustrate this with an extreme example: If you ask anyone whether they can imagine killing someone, i.e. being a murderer, (almost) everyone, including me, will probably say: “For God’s sake; me and a murderer? I would never, ever kill someone etc.”. Which is correct. No human being has the right to kill another human being. Well, there are murderers. Murderers are not extraterrestrial beings from another planet. In other words, they are people like you and me. As an actor, however, you have to be able to search for and find the murderer within yourself and (only in character, of course) dare to venture into these abysses. Without judging them. The great thing about it is that, as an actor, you can live it all out (in a role!) without being punished for it, as in real life.

SKSM: Do you still have any contact with the crew/cast from that time? If so with who?
Michael Jamak: Yes, I have. Mostly with Pablo; we talk about, especially, professional news. And developments, like film festivals in connection with “Mute” and so on.
SKSM: What excites you most about your job?
Michael Jamak: Jumping over my own shadow and making new experiences with every new role and thereby confronting myself with myself again and again. And thus perhaps also touch others (My God, that sounds so theatrical now…)
SKSM: What do you know now that you wish you had known when you first started acting?
Michael Jamak: Oh dear, the things you ask… OK, I would… No, I wouldn’t…
SKSM: If you weren’t an actor, what would you be?
Michael Jamak: I have no idea.
SKSM: What is the most difficult decision you have had to make in your career?
Michael Jamak: Fortunately, I have not yet been in such a situation.
SKSM: What are you working on nowadays?
Michael Jamak: I’m currently in rehearsals for Heinar Kipphardt’s “Oppenheimer”. After that, I’ll be playing a speaking role in Richard Strauss’ “Arabella” at the Deutsche Oper Berlin. Maybe I’ll do some filming in between. But that’s not fixed yet.
SKSM: Are you a fan of Stephen King’s work?
Michael Jamak: Of course. What a question.
SKSM: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Michael Jamak: I don’t know.
SKSM: What would you say to your younger self?
Michael Jamak: That’s pointless, and what’s the point of asking such questions? You were only young once. And you only live once.
SKSM: What question have you never been asked in an interview, but have always wanted to answer?
Michael Jamak: Let the journalists and interviewers find out, please.
SKSM: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Is there anything you want to say to the fans that read this interview?
Michael Jamak: Thank you for your attention!