Peter Marchese

He is the Composer of Julia Marchese‘s I Know What You Need Dollar Baby film.
SKSM: Could you start with telling me a little bit about yourself? Who are you and what do you do?
Peter Marchese: Sure! Hi! My name is Peter Marchese and I am a Musician, Producer and Teppanyaki enthusiast living in sunny St.Petersburg Florida.
SKSM: How did you become involved with I know what you need?
Peter Marchese: Well it turns out that my kid sister Julia is the Director, so the old adage about it being “who you know” turns out to be true in this case! I am pretty sure she asked me to get involved when we were both at our parents house for Christmas a couple years ago.
SKSM: How did you get started as a composer and what do you do on production?
Peter Marchese: I have been making and recording music in one capacity or another for most of my life, whether it be home recordings, studio recordings, or various types of soundtrack music. Production wise, I play and record acoustic instruments and I also play and program an array of electronic synthesizers, drum machines and sequencers.
SKSM: How did you get started to wrote the Soundtrack for I know what you need?
Peter Marchese: Julia sent me some examples of some 70’s soundtrack type music that she thought would work for her vision of the film, and I just tried to take her input into account and interpret her ideas and at the same time sort of make it my own. A nod to soundtracks of the past but I didn’t try too hard to keep it there if that makes sense.
SKSM: Is this your most challenging audio so far?
Peter Marchese: Probably not. It’s always easier to compose instrumental music in my opinion, and as this soundtrack is completely instrumental, that made it a good deal easier for me. Coming up with words and vocal melodies is a lot harder. That being said, I did have to step out of my comfort zone quite a bit for some of these tracks.
SKSM: Was there any funny or special moment when you made the music that you would like to tell me about?
Peter Marchese: Unfortunately my sweet dog Pearl died while I was finishing up the music for the film, and she had been hanging around in the studio with me quite a bit during the recording of this soundtrack, so I did name one of my favorite pieces on the soundtrack in her honor, entitled “Pearl White” I will always think of her when I hear that piece. She was a real sweetie.
SKSM: After I know what you need did you write more music? If so what?
Peter Marchese: Yes! I make music for myself and a handful of superfans under the name “Peter and the Pulsars”, and I released the debut recording from that project recently, as well as a re-recording of a song from my old band Voyager One to commemorate it’s 20th anniversary.
SKSM: What are you working nowadays?
Peter Marchese: I am always working on something at home, so I have a few new songs for my “Peter and the Pulsars” project that I am working on, as well as drafting my wife and 11 year old son into the mix for some experimental ambient tomfoolery, family style!
SKSM: Are you a fan of Stephen King’s work?
Peter Marchese: I am embarrassed to say that I am mostly unfamiliar with his work, but I do admire the few things that I have seen and / or read from him. The Shining scared the hell out of me as a kid, does that count?
SKSM: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Peter Marchese: That I’ve got a pretty good outside jump shot.
SKSM: What advice would you give to those people who want to be musicians?
Peter Marchese: I would say do whatever you like to do in this crazy mixed-up world! It’s your life to live as you see fit and don’t let others stop you from living how you want to. Being a musician may not be super rewarding financially, but there are other very rewarding reasons for making art. Being creative keeps me sane, personally.
SKSM: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Is there anything else you want to say to the fans that read this interview?
Peter Marchese: I guess just thank you for supporting independent artists, musicians and filmmakers wherever you are, glad there are a few of you out there who do!
SKSM: Do you like something to add?
Peter Marchese: No, I’m afraid I’m not very good at math!